Really treat EH people as their own family.

This overnight tea has been coming for so many years.
I kept sighing that I was unlucky. Come, after talking to Ah Fan about this, Ah Fan couldn’t help smiling.
Finally, I ended my training and saw an outsider coming from EH. After training, I was tired like a dog’s pig’s head and suddenly became interested.
You know, in the G League, like NBA teams, there is a system that takes care of new people.
You know, in other clubs, the most care is to invite the old players to go to the gym together or go to karaoke after signing the contract
But in EH, it’s not a formality.
EH, everyone is very equal because of the system. Whether in the era of Zhang Zhaihao’s decision-making or now, taking care of the new people when the pig’s head is the main force, it is very exaggerated to carry forward.
Come out of EH dormitory with a bag of smelly socks that are going to be moldy, and I almost didn’t breathe.
You know, because the atmosphere of EH is very harmonious, EH diligence is also the most temperamental, and many times EH people dare not talk back to aunt EH
Aunt, who controls the daily life of EH for more than a dozen people, also has a very different place.
Just don’t wash the EH team.
Besides, the only automatic washing machine in EH headquarters has been broken for several months.
When Lao K was in China, the team leader was still very strict with the team members to do the habit of checking from time to time, which also made pig’s head dishes and others pay great attention to personal hygiene. After all, if the professional competitive players with high prices have a bad image in public, it will have a great impact on the club.
But this month, when Lao K and Zhai Hao went abroad to play G League, Mi Wei also went to Europe with Zhai Hao and others to expand the market, and the requirements for EH and others became very relaxed.
Recently, there are no EH players in the competition. Although these people have not lowered their training requirements, after all, professional ethics requires them to train on time and in quantity every day, but in terms of …
Just look at a pack of smelly socks in Lin Feng’s hand.
Although Lin Feng is a medical student, she is also a good surgeon at J University, and she has heard a lot of very strange smells.
However, a man’s smelly socks mixed with different hormones and sweat fermented under a dark and dusty bed for nearly a month, which is really unbearable for a normal person.
Before, I was taken to the dormitory area with a smile on my face, and I was confused about pig’s head dishes. Come is still wondering what rice is, and I look at myself with sympathy.
But when Lin Feng first entered the pig’s head vegetable room, there was a strange smell in the air, which reminded Lin Feng of the dormitory day he had lived in many years ago.
Really, really terrible.
Pig’s head pulls Lin Feng closer to the room, closes the door and …
I kept it under the bed for a long time and pounded it for a while. When I put a pile of socks in front of Lin Feng like a treasure, Lin Feng really thought it was cute and fat to smile in front of it.
Now it’s like a blessed demon
He’s a fat, laughing, slutty bastard!
But the bloody reality taught Lin Fenggang a lesson again after he climbed out of the pig’s head vegetable room.
Since this bitch of life can tie you up and play with you once, she won’t mind tying you up for the second time in the next chat!
Even the third time, the fourth time and the n time …
Come when entering the third room has given up the idea of struggle.
On the contrary, it is necessary to end this great cause quickly and take the initiative to help these predecessors who look good-natured but are actually bad embryos clean up their houses in the room.
And come don’t know where to get a mask when shoveled gasped.
Now, going in and out in such a harsh environment is better than missing a gas mask in a school. Military-level gas masks can be fresh. Now, Lin Fengbi misses things.
No, when I entered the last room, I was shocked by the whole messy chapter and the kennel was turned upside down. My eggs were broken.
Look at a pair of stockings with no desk lamp and dim light.
Men wear stockings, too? That’s right … it’s not a long tube, but an honest leather shoe. It’s hard to imagine that socks were exchanged this summer. It’s like avoiding the old K’s repeated search. Fortunately, I’m still alive in a desk lamp.

Big honey is sitting at a desk with her head propped up. She is very depressed. Ye Qing walked up to her and sat down. "What’s the matter? Have a headache? Do you want me to help you rub it? "

Big honey looked up at him with bitterness and then shook her head. "No, I just called one of the professional players. This time, he refused me very firmly, leaving me no room. I asked him the reason. He told me very sincerely that it was because the contract club wouldn’t let people go and said that if the professional players broke the contract and quit, they would have to pay double liquidated damages!"
"Double? Is this clause written in the contract? Is it true that the club is what it says? If it’s not written in the contract, just ignore it! " Leaf tilt is very indignant tunnel
"The most important thing is that this article is really written in the contract. He didn’t read it carefully when he signed the contract, but now he realizes that the contract is very cheating." Big honey is troubled by the tunnel.
"What is the double penalty?" Ye Qing asked curiously that he knew a lot about honey and honey, and his temper would definitely help the professional player to pay the liquidated damages and dig it up.
"One million! Although it’s not much for me, it’s definitely a huge sum in the F world, and I don’t have much money to move now. It’s impossible for a professional player to pay so much and I don’t know if this professional player can give me a million returns! " Big honey rubbed his temples to say
Chapter 363 Eat hot pot
Ye couldn’t help but take a breath of air when he heard the big honey words. The penalty for an F professional player can be as high as one million. That club is a little too hard. It’s simply tying the professional players to death. Who dares to leave easily?
His heart suddenly sank to the bottom. If the other two professional players are in the same situation, then the reorganization plan of Club I will fail before it is implemented. Honey sighed and smiled reluctantly. "Don’t worry, there are still two candidates. I will help you choose the right one!"
Ye Qing saw Big Honey’s tired look and felt a little distressed. He quickly reached out and grabbed Big Honey’s loving tunnel. "Honey, if you have worked hard, if it is really not good, forget it. Let Huang Qiusheng find some potential horses and I will train them to reach the professional level before long. Then our team will be as strong as it is, but it will be slower."
Big honey stubbornly shook her head and clenched her hands. She said firmly, "No, I promised you I would do it. You promised me you would do it!"
Ye Qing looked at Big Honey gratefully and said, "Thank you, Honey." His voice rang as soon as he dropped his cell phone. He immediately took out his cell phone and looked at the screen. It was a strange number. He quickly picked it up and asked, "Who are you?"
"Thomas, are you Ye Qing?"
"Ha ha is you, man! I was worried that you forgot me! " Ye Qing was so excited that Thomas finally called him.
Thomas laughed, too. "How is it possible that you wrote it? As soon as I saw it, I remembered whether we played F together at night to show you my sniper rifle method. I’m bragging!"
"Ok, contact me again that night. Now go home and have dinner and we’ll do it!"
"ok! Ha ha ha … "Thomas laughed and hung up.
Ye Qing put his mobile phone in his trouser pocket and then looked at Big Honey mysteriously. "Call Huang Qiusheng to the club. He has something to do! Tonight, I will verify that if that small strength is really awesome, then let Huang Qiusheng fool me. I can guarantee that it is much cheaper than 7kg and will not pay liquidated damages. "
"Who do you want to verify?" Big honey asked curiously.
"Do you remember Thomas, the fake foreigner on the plane?" Leaf asked with a smile.
"You said that guy? He also plays F? " Big honey is a little surprised.
Ye Qing nodded his head and smiled. "He claimed that he had no rival in Sichuan Area 1. Of course, he said that he was being attacked by God and his strength was 7kg. He also wanted to challenge one of these two being attacked by God! I don’t know if he is bragging and forcing me to verify one tonight! "
"I hope you prove to be a real master tonight. Good luck!" Big honey dialed a hair, then she picked up the desk phone and said to Ye Qing, "I’ll call the other two gunners and ask."
Ye leaned up and grabbed her cell phone. "Don’t call today. You should go home and rest. Come and have dinner with me first and then I’ll take you home!"
Big honey shook her head and said, "Today’s work must be finished today, and it can’t be put off until tomorrow."
Ye Qing directly rushed to the back of the desk and took the big honey hand and dragged it out. "Now you have to listen to me. I don’t want you to be so tired. Are you white?" Go to dinner first, then go home and have a good rest, and then work again when you have enough spirit. "
Big honey nai followed Ye Qing out of the office. She knew that Ye Qing had a stubborn temper, but he walked outside the conference room and kicked the door. "Are you done?" It’s time to eat. Save your strength. Don’t run out of strength at once. I have to carry you when my legs are weak and I can’t walk home! "
Dong Laoer was shocked and quickly loosened Zhao Junzhu. Zhao Junzhu blushed and scrambled to sort out his messy clothes while complaining, "It’s all your fault that you are necrotic. Can’t you bear it when you come back?"
Dong second hey hey a smile "who told you so beautiful? As soon as I see you, I have no epidemic power, and we haven’t seen you for a few days. I miss you so much! "
"Cut the crap and go to the door!" Zhao Jun bamboo tidy up clothes after dong old two way
Dong Laoer knocked on the door and saw Ye Qing and Da Mi all outside the door. "What a coincidence, you two?" Let’s go! "
"What a fart! They are all our own!" Ye Qing slapped Dong Laoer on the head.
Zhao Jun came out with a red face and looked at Big Honey timidly and shouted "Big Honey Sister …"
Leaf tilt see Zhao Jun bamboo sample can’t help but feel funny service road "see you big honey elder sister didn’t see me? I just haven’t seen it for a few days. Is it just that I don’t feel it? "
"Ye Ge, don’t make fun of others …" Zhao Jun’s bamboo face became redder and then he took Dong Laoer next door and buried his head on his shoulder.
Dong Lao Er sped up and walked forward. Ye Qing and Da Mi smiled at each other and then walked hand in hand.
Big honey’s driver sent them back to the company after q7, so he left his car and took a taxi back. Big honey went to the underground garage and took the car with Ye Qing. Together, they went back to Ye Qing and Dong Laoer to share the house.
Ye Qing threw the keyboard bag on the sofa and shouted, "I’m finally home!" "
"Shit, it’s only been a few days. What are you sighing about? It seems like you’ve been away for a long time!" Donglaoeryu tunnel
Big honey also smiled sloped while covering her mouth. Ye Qing looked back at Big Honey and said, "Why don’t you laugh so hard or don’t go back tonight? The bed in my room is big and spacious. How about we talk about life together later?"
"Who wants to talk to you about ginseng … how about velvet antler and ganoderma lucidum?" Big honey is also a tunnel
"Whatever you! What did the second child eat late? I am hungry! " Ye Qing said and looked at Dong Laoer and asked.
Dong Laoer some vacant hurriedly to Zhao Jun bamboo way "dear, what’s for dinner? Eat at home or eat out? "
Zhao Junzhu knew that eating at home must be her shopping and cooking. She didn’t want to cook today, so she firmly said, "Let’s go out and eat, just give you a dinner!"
"Give us a dinner? So you mean it’s your treat? " Dong Laoer said with a bad smile that Zhao Junzhu seemed to be used to it and immediately replied tactfully, "Yes, it’s my treat and you pay!"
"So-called that you ask us to eat? Where to eat? " Dong Laoer asked again that there was nothing wrong with him giving money, and he didn’t care. Now his letter card can be swiped casually.
Zhao Junzhu thought for a moment and said, "Why don’t we go to eat hot pot? We haven’t eaten it for a long time, and we especially want to eat you today?"
Ye Qing so-called shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don’t pick hot pot."
Big honey also nodded and said, "I really want to eat hot pot. Eating in the sea these days is relatively weak!" "
Dong Lao Er saw that everyone’s opinions had reached an agreement, and he knew that there was no reason for his opposition. He was always in the minority, and he was directly silent, so the four of them sorted out the instrument and went out to eat hot pot.
Not far from their building, there is a famous three-ear hot pot, which is still famous. I ate it once before Ye Qing and thought it tasted good.
After entering the store, they saw that there were still many people waiting at the door. Ye Qing asked about a few people waiting for five tables in front. They thought it was early to wait for a while, so they sat at the door and chatted.

Pick up the second scroll and have a look at this scroll painting. It is a map. Lin Tianxiao and Li Yang have not found any clues by comparison, because there is no such boundary as mountain peak in Allianz Province and Beach City Root.

"Niang leg, what the hell is this? The governor is still hiding as a baby." Read Lin Tianxiao and put the scroll in the Buddha ring.
Take out the fifth box and the last one. Lin Tian’s evil intentions are a little unsettled. If there is still something in it that he can’t reach, then he really lost a lot this time.
I played the box slowly, but I closed my eyes with a brush.
"What is a brother?" Lin tianxiae asked
"You can’t read it yourself!"
"Brothers are nervous. What’s in this box first? Is it equipment? "
"Well, it’s equipment!"
Hearing this sentence, Lin Tianxiao slowly opened his eyes with excitement. When he saw the equipment in the box, Lin Tianxiao almost cried!
"Brother, is this true?"
"It seems to be true!"
"God, earth, which fairy sister cares about me so much? I have no opinion. It’s my equipment!"
There is a long bow folded quietly in the box, and the long bow body presents a Bai Sensen color. If you look closely, this is a bone bow and arrow with exquisite patterns carved on it, which is as dazzling as clouds and fog.
"This longbow is not made of dragon bones, is it?" Li Yang was surprised and asked
Lin Tianxiao took out the folding longbow and successfully presented the overall appearance. The longbow was about two feet long and started with the cold bowstring. At first glance, I knew it was not van.
Dragon secret bow (advanced fairy)
Physical attack 12
Magic attack 12
Power +35
Magic +35
Physical strength +35
Increase the damage to creatures by 40%, increase the threat to boss by 20%, increase the basic damage by 15%, and increase the chance of killing with one blow by 5%.
Need a professional archer
Need grade
Need strength 35
Need magic 2
Dragon bone bows and arrows can not only display physical attacks, but also display elemental arrows, which require corresponding skills.
Although Lin Tian’s evil spirit seems to be hanging down, Zhou Xiaofu, the dragon’s secret bow, has entered the game for more than half a year, and has not been equipped with advanced equipment. Now, with this advanced fairy instrument, Zhou Xiaofu can definitely rank among the top players.
I received the dragon’s secret bow from the Buddha’s ring, and Lin Tianxie got up. Now Lin Tianxie feels that she has been practicing everything, and some don’t want to kill people. She can only enter the city when she doesn’t know it, and she doesn’t want to increase her evil value. Nailin Tianxie can find a quiet place to prepare to draw more charms.
Li Yangyuan had to guard Lin Tianxiao, but he was driven away by Lin Tianxiao, so he couldn’t add a friend to leave Lin Tianxiao.
During the four game days, Lin Tianxiao was painting a charm. Finally, the 77100 sets of cinnabar and brush in the three-eye bracelet were finished, and Lin Tianxiao was satisfied and had a stretch.
Lin Tianxiao was very satisfied with the charm this time, probably because the fur is an advanced institute, and the number of Zhang Ling symbols is 61, while Lin Tianxiao got tens of thousands of Zhang Ling symbols.
Satisfied patted the ass and patted all the dust. Lin Tianxie wandered around again for four game days. Lin Tianxie had already wired once, and this time it was only one day, and there were still two days waiting for him.
Lin Tianxiao, who was idle, took out the scroll with the map painted on it again. In his view, this map is definitely not simple, so Lin Tianxiao wants to study what is going on with this map.
"Wrong or wrong, this map is not the boundary of these two continents. Are there other continents besides these two continents?"
Lin Tianxiao closed his eyes and carefully recalled the two continents of Beechcraft City and Union Province. Suddenly Lin Tianxiao thought of a place where Lin Tianxiao did not turn, that is, the Woma Forest.
Lin Tianxie immediately turned to the secret passage and entered the skull hole from the secret passage. Because he was finally in a stealth state, he didn’t find Lin Tianxie all the way. Lin Tianxie went very smoothly and hit the entrance of Woma Forest.
Looking at four guards guarding the entrance of Woma forest, Lin Tianxiao still has some drums in his heart. Who knows if they have learned eagle-eye skills?
Slowly came to the guard 100 meters away and found that the guard didn’t find himself bold at once. Lin Tianxiao staggered to the front of the guard and made a few faces beside them, only then passed through the entrance of Woma Forest.
On the other side, there are still four guards guarding there. Lin Tianxiao is not worried, but accidents often happen when he is most relaxed.
Lin Tianxiao also grimaced in front of the four guards. Just in front of the last guard, Lin Tianxiao was triumphant. Suddenly, the guard turned around and stretched himself, but his arm touched Lin Tianxiao’s head.

After entering the hall, the first thought of all the passers-by is that it really is a completely different place.

In the middle of the hall, four red lines are square. Visiting the center is a huge round FRP tea table.
There are only six people sitting on the couch, two meters tall and twenty strong white men sitting alone next to him with a huge high-tech gun. This man is ferocious with a cigar as if he would end up shooting at the people around him at any time. Next to the sofa, a beautiful woman in a big red striped cheongsam lies on the sofa and looks lazy. Next to a sofa, a blond man dressed in a red vampire robe is pushing a cup for a change with a shota who looks very pink; In the fourth sofa, two men with the same strong yellow skin are sitting on the sofa armrest and drinking wine.
Around the central sofa circle, rows of the same red couches are distributed in small circles, but each circle is far away from the central sofa circle, which seems to be for fear that the four people in the center will pull it.
Hearing the sound of the ladder, except for a few people in the middle, the eyes of hundreds of passers-by moved in the past. When they saw that they were the first to walk out of the knight squad, everyone’s eyes took a hint of disdain.
Knight Wang is an old team in Gungun City, especially the captain, the sword soul Raphael, who is very famous. However, all the passers-by present are seven-order masters from different cities. Although most of them have heard of Knight Wang, in their eyes, Knight Wang grew up on a city. How can waste be compared with them born in diversified battles? It’s just like Shandong Luneng getting AC Milan again, but it’s just a tasteless dish.
Then appeared in front of their eyes, the beauty * female squad is to let these unscrupulous light carefully. Even if the department is covered with cloaks, targeting top travelers can smell a little danger from them.
Zhaojie beautiful eyes swept in the central four people swept a circle and then turned to the corner of the hall.
"Hey new you blind dog eye? Don’t come and kowtow when you see the old man? "
Arrogant voice to zhaojie footsteps paused to look at the talking man is the white man with a big gun next to him.
"Who are you?"
"Ha who am I? It seems that you are really ignorant of this waste. Look at the old plasma gun and remember the old name. Mommy is the first person in the seventh order. Statham code-named Doomsday Warrior was evaluated by the abyss forces as a man worth three hundred and fifty thousand crystal coins. "The strong man is extremely arrogant."
A rough roar of "Death" stunned zhaojie, and a white heavy hammer with a howling wind hit his head.
"Fuck" war ghost roars at the same time, and his right fist is also a punch. Although he didn’t wear a hellhunter glove, his strength has also reached 1,000 points. The two-way collision hammer actually sent out a shocking collision. The hammer holder was accidentally knocked out directly. The hammer was faster than when it was hit, and the blink of an eye had penetrated the ceiling and was embedded in the top concrete.
War ghost benefit from one punch has once again hit this one punch milli suspense directly hit each other’s fat abdomen immediately to the raiders like shells to fly out.
Seeing that this raider is about to break the French window and fall out of the tenth floor, a white figure can be seen with the naked eye, but the speed is fast. After coming to this fat body, his right foot kicks out, but when he touches the fat body, he turns his strength into a soft white figure, and his right leg rotates quickly, which is also a rotation. Actually, the war ghost is added to the fat body and the strength is removed.
In the eye of the war ghost, his shirt flashed and he rushed over to the white man but was stopped by zhaojie’s hand. "That’s enough."
"That’s enough"
The white man said the same thing when he saw that he was getting fat on the ground and getting up.
Until this time, zhaojie and others saw two people.
The former hammer attack on himself turned out to be a girl’s worth. The girl’s figure is not too’ considerable’. She is a little 1.7 meters tall and weighs less than 150 kilograms. It looks almost like a meat mountain leopard’s head. Her eyes are bright as tough iron, her nose is bright in black, her mouth is wide and her ears are wide. Matthew’s eyebrows are like a bright day, and her forehead is full. In a word, Fiona Fang is touching Hu, Zhang Fei is picking up the axe, and likui jy is.
Behind her, the person in white is also a girl, but this girl is full of heroic spirit. She has short hair with three or seven points, just like Aaron Kwok in the 1990 s, wearing a black T-shirt and a white decorative chain in white jeans. Generally speaking, heroism is better than beauty.
"I wonder who you two are and why you want to sneak up on me?"
The girl in white looked at zhaojie with stars in her eyes. Although there was a cloak method to see him clearly, she was still attracted by the sound of chest-bending. The girl said calmly, "I am the captain of the beauty squad, and this is the Taihang who is the key player of our team."
Zhaojie one leng finally understood why he said that his team was a beautiful female squad, and the people around him laughed. At the same time, he also remembered that Vivern seemed to want to rob Pearson’s cold lightsaber when he was in the tower of heaven, and it seemed to please the captain of the beautiful female squad.
"Well … I have to admit that our team names overlap, but that’s not why you attacked me, is it?" Zhaojie shrugged.
I pinched my fist. "Look at your peer strength, it seems, has reached six hundred, right? Men who can reach the level of folding are not novices. Haven’t you ever heard that if the teams of the same name meet, if you don’t want to die or stop fighting, one party must change its name? "
"…" zhaojie said to her completely. He didn’t want this irrelevant woman to have an argument over such a ridiculous question, so he turned to leave.
Who knows that he hasn’t moved the little girl, but instead, the youngest girl in the group said sweetly, "So why don’t you rename your team, sister?" It’s obvious that your team name actually doesn’t match. "
Leave me sneer at a way "is it? Even if she is a little rough in Taihang, she is still a girl. Is there at least two men in your team? "
Her eyes are right. The war ghost just showed that it was a man, and the demon hunter’s tall and strong figure can definitely be seen as a man even under the cloak of a black hole.
The little girl took off her cloak and hat with a sneer, revealing sweetness. "Men can be regarded as affiliated in our team, but what’s more important is that our team has the three words’ beauty * female’, but what about you?"
This girl’s pink long hair, pink doodle, small face, ruby red eyes and cherry red mouth make the surrounding men look suffocated. Even if it’s not lolicon, men want to hug her tightly in their arms and ravage her. Compared with me, it’s extraordinary, but it’s dwarfed.
"You … hum blurred come here for me." Leave me for a while and then shout at the side of the gas.
"All right, all right ~ Aigulai really bullied our little Jingjing …" Next to the lazy sound, a woman with a chest feeling in a red cheongsam, black silk and fishnet stockings white high heels came along. She is also an oriental MM, but she has a chest feeling comparable to that of a western woman. Her chest is full, her waist is slim and her hips are full. A man will feel dry when he sees it.
"You see, we have such a chest-feeling woman here. Hum, such a woman is not comparable to an airport like you, right?" Leave my face gloated.
"Hum" the little girl is also cold hum a way "are you not bashful to call me the airport in this plain? At least I’m still developing some people, but they’re still little red riding hood when they’re all developed. "
My face turned blue and white, but I still held my arms and said, "If there is no beauty like blurred, just give up quickly."
I don’t know when she actually turned the beauty fight into a battle.
The little girl sneered, "Look, you really don’t know what a queen-type beauty is." And she looked behind Leona.
Leona doesn’t care about this kind of thing, but she deeply remembers that the name of the beauty squad is that the little girl can take off the black cloak as long as she knows that she cares about this kind of thing.
Black hair is as smooth as water, blue eyes are as clean as stars, and chestnut skin can be broken by blowing bombs. 15 Height is the perfect combination of the whole person. nine body beauty Leona is wearing only a camouflage jacket and a pair of camouflage shorts, and a large area of skin is exposed in the air, which makes the surrounding area full of fiery feelings. It is more objective that this woman’s chest is a pair of unrestrained girls, and the whole person will show the queen’s characteristics incisively and vividly even if she doesn’t dress up.
"…" A suffocating woman at this level from me has not been able to find out by her team. It is also a hundred miles to lose with her, but the girl is still mouth shut and shouted, "What is this? Let you see what is a water beauty. "
Then she waved and said, "Come here with the new moon."
"Elder sister …" A few people made a faint mosquito sound on the sofa. "Elder sister … forget it?"
"What forget it? I’ll tell you to come out and talk nonsense. I’ll pick you up later. "
"Well …"
The people in the sofa were intoxicated by the girls around before the sound came out. When she came out, even zhaojie swallowed her saliva.
The girl is about 16 years tall, with white complexion, shy face, long white hair and smooth eyes like waves, and a small mouth like honey makes people almost want to lick it.
To tell the truth, this girl is not very beautiful. Less than Leona, Blurred or Little Girl are inferior to me, but this girl’s temperament is far superior to the former. It looks as weak as water and as gentle as a natural mother’s love. If she returns to earth, she will put all the peerless women in a row in front of her and let zhaojie choose a wife. zhaojie will definitely choose this crescent girl … because she really deserves to cure the beautiful woman. On how many injuries a man has suffered when he comes back to see her, all the injuries will be gone.
The little girl was also surprised, but then she was confident. "What about water being a woman?" Let you see our ice as a woman. "
And she gently pulled Rajrami’s cloak with her hand behind her back.
To tell the truth, Jeremy is very disdainful of showing her beauty to compete, but she is the same as zhaojie. The little girl cares about things and she will never refuse in front of outsiders.

On the other hand, although Demassia’s laws are harsh and dirty in private, it’s easier to deal with than Noxas, and Gadmasia’s national strength has always been much weaker than Noxas’s. We are a little biased towards them, and we can maintain the balance of power in Varolan and curb the pace of more and more frequent wars in Noxas recently.

At the same time, there are many Ionian specialties. We can produce rare mineral runes and magic crystal exchange equipment to supplement our resource library. What do you think? "
Axe, my friend.
We haven’t seen you for months since the War College. How are you recently?
Things are just as we agreed, and everything is going according to plan. If Noxas fails to raid Ionia this time, we are confident that we can complete the plan and let the disputes in Varoland be solved by the summoner game of the War College.
But I have some bad news to tell you recently. My dear cousin, Emperor Jiawen IV of Demassia city-state, went deep into the enemy’s rear with his pro-guards in a battle against Noxas half a month ago, and was badly hit by the other side. Fortunately, reinforcements arrived and rescued him. After treatment and recuperation, Gavin is now in serious trouble.
Although Jia Wen is ill, he is not in a good mood. This sudden defeat has crossed for several years, and Paoze’s attitude towards us friends is a little rough, not to mention taking care of his maids.
I want to let Gavin’s favorite Lax come back to comfort him, but Gavin recently got into a dead end and thought that he killed his relatives and guards. He is depressed and prone to mania. I think Lax’s comfort may be counterproductive and stimulate him again. I think my sister may be interested in Gavin, but her magic cultivation has finally encountered a bottleneck recently. After making rapid progress in the previous period, she can’t control her huge magic well. We discussed with her teacher that it is best not to let her know that this defeat of Gavin was caused by emotional ups and downs. I joined housekeeper Zhao to seal her mouth about this defeat of Gavin.
However, Lux’s identity will lead her to know the news one day. However, I think it is better to let Lux meet him after Gavin recovers her spirit or when Lux can master all the magic of the body. Here, I ask you to stall my sister for a while, at least until Gavin recovers her spirit.
Please also find a way to keep Lux in Pieterwoff for a month or two. After that, our Guanwei family will send her a thank-you gift.
Are you loyal to Galen? Crown guard
"What did the letter say?" Look at Axe’s changing face, Lax is curious. She craned her neck to see her brother and told her not to read it when delivering the letter, but she didn’t say that she couldn’t read it with Axe! People are also curious about it!
"It’s nothing." Looking at Lux’s little hand, Axe lit the letter first and threw it into the metal trash can in the room.
"It’s nothing. Nothing. Do you need to get rid of the evidence so soon?" Lux looked at the letters slowly melting into ashes, disdaining pie pie and getting out of bed angrily. "What’s the big deal? People don’t read them without reading them! Hum ignore you, I go back to demasia. "
Back to demacia? How can this work?
I remembered Galen’s letter asking Axe to sigh and ignore it, but it was enough to help Demassia’s family several times before the great cause, so I stretched out my hand and grabbed Lax.
"Don’t go. Actually, there’s nothing to say in the letter. Galen saw that you’ve been working too hard recently. In the letter, he asked me to give you a month’s paid vacation when I left you for a visit in Pieterwolf."
"What?" Lux was a little surprised and puzzled. She looked at the only male among her few friends and exclaimed, "No, my brother does things in a businesslike manner. No matter who is close or personal, he will give me paid holidays." You are not taking my heart! "
Brilliant girl looked at Axe in disbelief, but sat back in bed.
Axe shook his head and tried to keep his face normal, so as not to be seen as a flaw by Lux, who is good at reading and listening. "What makes you think that?" he continued. Although Galen is really serious, you are his only sister after all. My brother always feels sorry for his sister, just like my sister always feels sorry for me since she was a child. "
When I heard this, Lux looked at her friend as if remembering something, and suddenly she showed a warm and tempted smile. Unconsciously, she blushed and her heart was like a deer banging and jumping.
Actually, Axe is also very handsome. Unlike cousin Gavin and his brother, Axe’s smile is more like a warm sunshine. The more you look at it, the more comfortable it makes people feel. He is still a research genius, and he has a lot of very good hair. I feel that others are also good when I get along with him. So it seems that he is still a very good and good man.
Lux blushed more and more, but suddenly she remembered that she had taken care of herself since childhood with her childhood as a big brother. Gavin shook his head quickly and tried to take his eyes off Axe’s warm smile, but at the same time he felt a burst of inexplicable loss.
Throw away the messy emotions in my heart, Lax smiled again and found that Axe was still immersed in the sudden memories. She didn’t find that she was relieved just because she was infatuated, but suddenly she became interested in Axe’s past, so Lax reached out and held his shoulder and shook it to wake him up from the memories. The latter was stunned for a while and then suddenly looked back at her face. Lax has returned to normal.
"I’m sorry, Lux. I just suddenly remembered that when I was a child, my sister and I lived together, and that suddenly made you laugh."
But Axe didn’t expect Lux to shake her white hands, which were moistened by magic. The sincere tone made Axe say something strange: "How can I laugh at you without your good friend!"
Lux didn’t know what her reaction would be so great. She withdrew hands in the air and smiled awkwardly, forcibly changing the subject. "By the way, Axe, I was curious about things when you were a child."? Can you tell me about it? In exchange, I will also tell you something about my childhood! "
Chapter 13
Three days have passed since the battle when Archduke Moss received the death of Galaman.
On the second day after Lala killed Galaman Da, a reconnaissance team of the Dragon God found this devastated battlefield when passing by. They were so scared that they immediately reported to the level. After a day’s confirmation, although the swindler Galaman Da and other four demigods were not found in the battlefield, there were no bodies of the demon earthworm people on the ground. It can be seen that Galaman Da is afraid that they are doomed.
Come here to investigate the high-ranking demon Archduke Moss, the strongest demon, and be honored as the closest to the Lord God. The high-ranking doomsday guard Lord’ polluter’ Kelburns feels that this battlefield has four other divine powers besides Galaman Da and his four semi-gods.
Although two divine powers are still weak, the other two divine powers are not as good as him in quality. What’s worse, their strength is not as good as that of other cheaters, Galaman?
"Gee, I’m afraid the old con is really over this time." Although it’s as good as Galaman’s, it’s all demons, archduke and high-ranking gods and demons. The death of Galaman this time made Kelburns feel a little sad.
"Let you have no matter to like to dress up as a pig to eat tiger this time really eaten? I’d better follow the instructions of Archduke Moss, and don’t bump into the iron plate like an old liar. "Kelburns looked at his adjutant and shook his head." Give up this stronghold and we will retreat! "
Shortly after receiving the information from Kelburns, Archduke Moss also got the death of Galaman’s other four demigods from his own spy planted in the human Angolan Zerg Coalition.
"Damn Titan!" Although Galaman is not the best player of Grand Duke Moss, he has played for more than a hundred years. He is better than Galaman in strength, but in wisdom, Kuraville can compare with him.
But when it comes to sex ~ ambition, it’s easy to get confused. Kula Weier is still conscientious. Galaman can better understand his mind
"Kelburns Kela Ruhr Meng Qi" The wrath of Archduke Moss broke through the sky. When he sent his men to sneak into the rear of the human empire to destroy it, he knew that they would be retaliated. But I didn’t expect that Titan, who had recently joined the Coalition forces, would lead people to set up a team. Although Galaman’s strength was average, he escaped from other high-ranking gods. This time, he was killed without saying a word. It is recognized that Titan must have a main god or that several high-ranking gods have all made moves!
"Belong to!" 2
Kilburns is the Doomsday Guard Lord, the strongest hand of the Demon Archduke, and the Lord of the 22 nd Doomsday Domain of the Abyss.
Kela Ruhr is a three-headed Cerberus, whose owner is an artifact made by Moss. Demogorgon helped Moss beat his own master after making many promises, and then he was attracted by Moss’s status as the king of hell dogs. He also became the’ guide of the abyss’ and the world owner of Cerberus on the 33rd floor of the abyss.
Meng Qi is the strangest and most mysterious hand of Archduke Moss. He hides himself in a big windbreaker and wears a ferocious metal mask all day. No demon except Archduke Moss has seen his true face and no demon has ever heard his name before he joined Archduke Moss.
However, every time Archduke Moss arranges for him, he will be finished on time. The most surprising thing is that he doesn’t seem to be loyal to him. Sometimes, he will give a completely opposite opinion to Archduke Moss, and he also respects him, but Archduke Moss will not be angry about it.

Xie Quan "ah" once cried behind him "Siyou! Siyou! "

After calling, he pointed out to Xie that "I met Siyou when I was a novice, and she was very good. I was very lucky to be possessed by the European emperor. Let me introduce you to my teammate Siyou."
The woman who is called Siyou is about the same as Xie Ji. The weather will turn cold in July, but she is still wearing a neat low-cut sling and a few beautiful symmetrical muscles on her waist and abdomen. She is wearing light makeup in a leisurely way.
When Siyou came to Xie Ji, he still smelled a fragrant smell.
Xie Ji held out his hand to Siyou in a friendly way. "Hello, my name is Xie Ji, and Koizumi is very kind to you these days."
"Take care of each other," Siyou smiled. "You didn’t expect to meet Xie Quanqi earlier."
Both of them have left the ivory tower for many years and know the social rules. In view of Xie Quan’s level, the handshake is a little longer than usual, but it is just right not to offend.
Siyou took back his hand and looked half a step behind Xie. "I didn’t expect to see an old acquaintance here."
Jiang Ji-chu looked bleak and saw Xie send Xie Quan day by day, and he nodded his head with no enthusiasm at all.
Xie Quan noticed that Jiang Yunchu was surprised again. "Are you, you, you, you Jiang Yunchu?"
Jiang Yunchu didn’t bother to give a word to an old acquaintance, but he opened his mouth in gratitude. "Who are you?"
"It’s really Jiang Xuechang’s luck!" Xie Quan: "I will be a sophomore in my freshman year of medicine in our school."
Jiang Zhichu nodded again. Xie Quan, a tens of thousands of students bigger than Z, was only a few tens of thousands, but he thought that these tens of thousands were thanks to his brother for suddenly filling in a sentence of "Hello".
Xie Quan "Senior is good, senior is good!"
Xie Ji watched this scene with great interest: "Feelings all know each other."
Xie Quan sighed with emotion, "This is called meeting thousands of miles away."
A group of 13 people and four people all had a good break with Xie Ji and became a fellow villager’s meeting.
Talking An old man trotted along the mountain road.
"It’s fate to meet thousands of miles away. It’s fate to meet thousands of miles away. You are experts from the provincial capital. You have been waiting so long!"
The old man, who is over 50 years old, is very strong and panting all the way. "I am the head of Chenjia Village, and the experts Chen have worked hard!"
Xie Ji emerged from the brothers’ drama for a second and entered the fighting state. He bent down gracefully and helped Chen Yi to "Chen Cunchang’s hard work"
Chen Lianlian waved his hand. "I think my old man is too old to make experts wait here for so long."
Thank you for sending "where is Chen Cunchang? It’s embarrassing to bother you to come here. It’s not easy to walk on the mountain road at night."
"Well, I’ve lived in Chenjiacun for a generation. What’s this road? It’s all experts. The archaeological cause of the motherland has crossed the mountains and ran to our ravine!" Chen, "Let’s go for a walk. I’ll lead the experts back to the hostel first. You should be hungry after a hard journey. The food is ready! Everyone eats first! "
In a few words, everyone found out their identity.
-Archaeologist from Chenjiacun
Xie sent them all the way with Chen to the guest house building at the end of the village. In some years, the thin layer of paint outside became incomprehensible with the years, but at least it was built of brick and concrete, and finally there was a shelter from the wind and rain tonight.
There is not such a big table in the village. Thirteen people are divided into two tables. There are also pots of purple fruits in each table.
The fruit looks like an apple and is thinner than an apple, but no one’s apple is so dark and bright purple.
Someone kindly asked, "The village chief has never seen this fruit outside. What’s its name?"
Chen hey hey smiled. "This is our mountain specialty called Fuxiu, which is delicious."
The man casually wiped away the crisp and juicy "Wow, it’s delicious and sweet."
Xie Ji also took a Fuxiu, but he didn’t taste it-although he didn’t have a sense of taste, he somehow felt that Fuxiu was not delicious.
Chen recently enthusiastically recommended from Jiang Zhichu, "Hey, this expert, try it. It’s our specialty."
At the beginning of Jiang Ji, when Chen farted alone, he put the knife on the table in a deterrent way and poured water to clean the tableware.
It stands to reason that the village chief warmly recommended that you should try it out of courtesy, but there are not many people who really talk among the thirteen people
Everyone seems to be very resistant to Fuxiu.
Chapter 54 Chapter 54
Xie sent reason to know that he should give the village chief a face, and he has no sense of taste, even if it tastes bad, he can’t taste it.
But he just doesn’t want to eat it. It’s an aversion from the bone.
While Chen was not paying attention, Xie sent Fu Xiu aside, and then tore a piece of roll paper from his half slap and secretly wiped his hand.
He whispered to Xie Quan, "I don’t think this fruit is right. Don’t enter."
Xie Quan, like 7 in the movie, carefully whispered to him, "I won’t eat this thing if it’s ugly."
Chen accompanied them for a few drinks, but everyone drank only a few drinks. Today is the first day of entering the card, and no one dares to get drunk.
Thank you for focusing on the rhetoric from Chen’s mouth, but Chen doesn’t know much. I found out that they are independent experts in mountain archaeology.
What is the ancient exam? hear nothing of
Who sent it? hear nothing of
How long will it take? hear nothing of
There is no definite time limit in a row, and the more it is, the more dangerous it becomes.
After dinner, they lived in the hostel. The hostel looked shabby, but there were many rooms, and each of them had one left.
Thank you for sending me some hesitation when choosing a house. In the previous card, he shared a bed with Jiang Zhichu, but he hasn’t seen Xie Quan for a long time …
He didn’t hesitate for too long. Jiang Zhichu picked up a knife and chose a room to push the door open before stepping in. He turned back and said to him, "I’m a little tired. You can talk to Xie Quan."
Siyou is also a woman, with so many rooms, and she didn’t squeeze reason with Xie Quan. She said good night to them with a smile and turned to live next door to Jiang Zhichu.

"What’s this?" War ghosts and tigers are full of question marks.

"I believe that even if some of them can disappear, it will definitely not be tonight. Tonight we want to give everyone a message, that is," zhaojie smiled grimly. "There will be big fish!"
"all right! I’m going! " War ghost shrugged and picked up the notes to walk away.
The little girl jumped into zhaojie’s arms and asked, "What about the two of us?"
"It’s not the two of us, but myself." zhaojie smiled faintly. "You wait here for Brother Ghost. I believe that when he comes back, the adventurers should have been scattered and ambushed on campus. When the time comes, you two should act together. Don’t forget to put Brother Ghost in the deputy position of Fengyang Array. I believe that even the 1o damage bonus will make him change a lot … Tell him not to leave his hand as far as possible to deter others."
"I am white! But sister, what about you? Where are you going? " Yuan Yifan cocked his head and asked
"Me?" Zhaojie smiled. "I’m going to meet someone."
When zhaojie left, the war ghost had gathered almost all the adventurers in the first floor hall.
Finally, when he entered the room, Leo showed surprise because he noticed that everyone was eager to look at the war ghost.
"Leo, you he shit? Always ask someone to inform you that it will take more than ten minutes to arrive? " War ghost saw Leo came into the room immediately a face of uncomfortable scold a way.
Leo’s eyes flashed with anger, but he didn’t. Instead, he smiled apologetically. "I guess Brother Zhan was right. I just went to the toilet because my stomach was not very comfortable. I’m late. Please forgive me!"
Although I want to find fault, I can’t signal him to sit down when I see him like this.
The ghost in the back of the tribe raised the note in his hand and said, "Today, you bastards are lucky. Your old companions have found out a clue and now they come and share it with you!"
"Brother Zhan Ghost, can you explain it to us in detail?" The adventurers read this note separately and saw nothing but a bunch of names, so an adventurer raised his hand and asked
War ghost grinned and smiled, then he was in a good mood and repeated zhaojie’s words.
He really enjoys this feeling of being a teacher, because he is always in a state of being taught a lesson with zhaojie Yuan Yifan, and he is also willing to be taught a lesson, which makes him somewhat embarrassed to be a big uncle all the time. Although he likes the feeling that he can enjoy himself without thinking when teaming up with Zhao Jiexiaoli, he is occasionally a little depressed.
Of course, he won’t give up when he catches this opportunity this time, so the ghost talks with a gun and bang is full of swearing. A fool opens his mouth and is an idiot. He breaks a few short sentences into ten chapters and more than 50 links as a novel and speaks for more than an hour before he ends his speech with satisfaction.
Of course, the travelers are not dissatisfied. Although they are surprised that the war ghosts suddenly become more analytical and investigative, they pay more attention to the upcoming events.
Now that the order has been confirmed at the moment, 30 people need to ambush in several girls’ apartment buildings to prepare for waiting for him.
Of course, they are not only mutually beneficial, but their interests are the same. What’s worse, everyone knows a secret that zhaojie doesn’t know, that is, every day before the end of the main line, everyone’s grades and rewards will increase.
So some people fantasize that they can kill the murderer tonight and then end the main line. Let’s make a fortune together.
There are not a few people who have this idea. Even Leo is a shining face.
There were four people in the crowd who didn’t move too much. These people were just two men, two women and four people in the mercenary exchange center.
Thank you very much Leona mm for rewarding me ~!
In addition, I am crazy about asking for a ticket, a ticket, a ticket ~ ~!
The second volume My mallet has long been thirsty. 14. Prometheus
The sunset is gone, and the night has fallen.
Two equally slim and tall figure standing beside that bell tow of the west teaching building of the whole school face each other.
One of them is wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and a white suit. He looks strong, handsome and orderly, which makes this man look very gentlemanly.
Opposite him is zhaojie, who is dressed in a simple coarse white waist, a furry belt and waist-high with cherry red pupils and peerless beauty.
Two people are more than ten meters apart. They don’t talk to each other, but look straight at each other.
If an outsider is present at the moment and sees this beautiful scene, he will definitely think of some scenes that are not suitable for children after the dog blood plot.
It’s a pity that obviously neither of them has the luxury.
How did you find me? The first to speak is the glasses man. He raised his hand with white gloves and held a pair of glasses with his fingers. Smiling way
Zhaojie faint smile sound clearly into the glasses man’s ear "it is not difficult to find you, the key is that I perceive what you seem to be looking for? Don’t want to share one? "
"Are you a man?" Glasses man suddenly asked a irrelevant question.
"It’s not hard to see, is it?"
"introduce myself-my name is Prometheus and the one who stole skyfire."
"bit trimming"
The two said that nature is given a name, but in this world, this new name is the real existence.
"Everyone has a question first," Prometheus made a gesture of invitation.
Zhaojie also asked lightly, "What do you want to wait in the bell tower?"
"I believe you should notice that there are strange traces of green liquid drying up in some places on campus."
"But this trace is irregular."
"That’s because you have no special way to find it." Prometheus gently made a finger ring and a flame appeared on his index finger. Although the flame was on his finger, it did not burn his gloves.
"So that’s it. The traces of flame burning are determined according to the length of disappearance, so as to find a’ line’ when the liquid is low." Zhao Jie nodded and said, "It’s your turn."

"This may be possible for other villains, but it is absolutely impossible if it is the man who controls Xiubit from behind."

Ah Hong asked curiously, "What?"
"First of all, let’s analyze the strength of a bit. Even if we people make a move and try our best to kill him, we will definitely kill more than half of them. Is there any doubt about this?"
See all shook his head Yuan Yifan continued, "and the man was able to control him without knowing it and let him lose his mind. This man is definitely not too weak, right? Especially when this man is a poison lotus, his battle against us is almost the end of our regiment. I think there is no doubt about this? "
"But this man took the lead in controlling Hubby. What is this?"
"Of course, my boss is not only strong but also intelligent, even if he has any small movements, he will be detected immediately." Ah Hong said triumphantly as if to praise himself again.
Yuan Yifan nodded. "Yes, but the question is, since he has the power to kill Hugh Bit directly, why didn’t he do it but chose to disturb his mind and control him? One reason is that he can’t actually tell the strength to kill the selected control bits of our department. This safe and prudent method has already been abolished if we want to abolish bits. "
"How can a man who is cautious, powerful and unable to deal with us talk so much that he suddenly shows up to play this stupid game with us?"
"And before that, Poison Magic Lotus also said one thing. He said that he hoped that the Hell Gate would open later. Seeing his confident look obviously, even if the blood moon passed, he could be sure that the Hell Gate would pass."
"From then on, I suspected that Poison Magic Lotus was Cupid."
"Then what happened was that he instantly killed Radyov. From all the signs, it seems that this man is interested in taking care of our partners, especially the war ghosts have repeatedly provoked him. He didn’t get angry. Killing a chicken as an example made the monkey feel scared after killing the chicken, but if the monkey is still jumping around without restraint, it should be turned into a chicken instead of being regarded as an uncle. In fact, you also saw this, right? Arnie? "
Al Ni nodded. "It is true that I also found that this man seems to be particularly longitudinal about war ghosts, and despite his deep hiding, I still saw a trace of intimacy and banter from his eyes, but I dare not rashly confirm it."
Yuan Yifan laughed. "Of course, for repairing bits hidden in the appearance of poison magic lotus, the war ghost is his most trusted partner and faithful running dog. Although it’s not pleasant to say this, the war ghost is far more loyal to him than to us. I really believe that if repairing bits, the war ghost will not hesitate to make a personal move to us, and it is also absolutely faithful and vertical for this man to repay the war ghost."
The war ghost touched his nose. "What do you say that doesn’t sound like praise to me?"
Ah Hong laughed. "Of course it is."
Yuan Yifan laughed and went on to say, "Poison Magic Lotus, as soon as he appeared, his purpose was obviously to let us play the game of’ catching ghosts’. In fact, he was procrastinating, and it was obvious that he was not and did not need to delay our attack on Hell Gate, so he was obviously procrastinating others … Since he was still able to confirm that Hell Gate could be played, would there be another person hidden behind this main line? Will this person really control Hugh bit and want to fight the hellgate? I also got the answer later. "
"Let’s talk about how I determined that this man is a bit. Although I am sure that he is a bit, I still dare not admit it. Moreover, if he is really a bit, he will change his mind and will not tell us the truth. There must be his difficulties. I am waiting for an opportunity to determine who he is."
"It was not until a person appeared that I suddenly realized that this person was … her." Yuan Yifan pointed his finger at the cold thorn.
Bing Han pricked and listened with relish. When Yuan Yifan pointed his finger at himself, he couldn’t help laughing. "Did I show any clues?"
Yuan Yifan shook his head and said, "You have always been very cold and arrogant. Except for the poisonous magic lotus, almost everyone of us is as cold as a biting winter, but your appearance is the biggest flaw."
"Oh?" Ice cold thorn said with great interest, "Then you’d better tell me."
"It’s very simple. Now that I have some certainty in my mind that the poisonous magic lotus is Xiubit and we are playing a ghost-catching game at present, everything is logical."
"It’s very vague to say so ~" Ice cold pricks a finger.
"No, I’m not confused at all. I told you all about the whole mainline process." Yuan Yifan Avenue "showed a different personality from rubbing Xiubit before the auction, but he was deeply hidden. After the auction, Xiubit fell into a continuous coma, and then the demonized dinosaur army broke out. After driving us out of the city, the dinosaur army arrested the citizens, and then the demonized Xiubit suddenly broke out. At the end of the battle, we fought for a few minutes for some reason. When he woke up, he saw our tragic situation and resolutely chose to commit suicide. Before he died, we bombed the Colosseum. It can be seen here that it was very short for Xiubit to control his body, so he had to commit suicide. But then it happened that Xiubit didn’t die, but disappeared. Later, you all knew the information of Hell Gate, which made us dare not neglect to dig a tunnel and then met the poisonous magic lotus that suddenly blew up. There was a time difference. If the poisonous magic lotus was Xiubit, how could he change his body shape and all his abilities appear in less than a day?Arguably, even Theseus Lan could not die any more, so I made a bold speculation that the root of Theseus Lan appeared in front of us. It was before the auction that the real repair bit could grow up in time, no matter where he was sent, everything would be logical. If the poison lotus was repair bit, then another fake display among us should be sent away in the same way, even if it was not changed, but the person who switched them was bound to be confused. It will be transformed, and at this time, the cold thorn appears. Her love for the poison lotus is from the heart. Combined with the poison lotus, it shows me that judging the identity of the cold thorn means that we have lost another partner. Am I right? Jerami "
Zhaojie laughed. "In fact, she didn’t make a judgment immediately, but sent Ahong to make a test in advance."
Yuan Yifan nodded. "Yes, Ah Hong’s strength has always been considerable. Although Jeremy showed his elusive way of moving at that time, I believe Ah Hong should be able to force her to make a move … It turns out that I was right. That move when Jeremy suddenly moved behind Ah Hong should be your only teleport skill to cut your throat?"
Jeremy laughed. "That’s right, but one thing you don’t know is that my throat is now able to move at will without adding the last knife."
Leona frowned. "But it’s still gambling. If it wasn’t Jeremy, wouldn’t her strength kill Ahong directly?"
Zhaojie suddenly said, "There’s nothing that can be done. In that case, everyone is already in the end of death. Whether it’s a hell’s gate or disobeying me … that is, poison magic lotus is actually mortal. Why don’t you bet on whether a poison magic lotus is a bit-fixing and then find me to change my image and really have the right purpose?"
Yuan Yifan’s cheeks are a little red. "Actually, it’s not that I couldn’t calm down when I thought that the poisonous magic lotus might be in your heart. In fact, I also know that if you really fix bits, you will eventually die if you fake Jeremy’s theory, but I really want to make sure that you really fix bits before letting Ah Hong make moves."
Ah Hong said to Theseus Lan with tears, "What is the most unfortunate thing that always happens to me? How do I feel that I am a love table chip? "
Theseus haze turned supercilious look and ignored him.
"In fact, Xiao Fan is really smart. She actually knows that she has been hiding this secret until now. I am impressed with you." Jeremy cherished his face and rubbed Yuan Yifan’s cheek.
Yuan Yifan laughed. "In fact, I don’t know what Hugh bit wants to hide, but since he must have his reasons for doing so."
War ghost said, "Yes, Hubby, tell us about your situation these days."
"Yes … I also want to know."
The transvestite flower crashed and shattered another Hugh bit, who was bruised and fell to the ground with a large piece of transvestite flower juice.
Zhaojie smiled and motioned for everyone to step back, while he stepped forward and said, "Can I know your name first?"
"My name? This name has not been heard for a long time. "Fake Hugh Bit gave himself a bottle of medicine and gasped." But even if you know it, there is nothing. My name is … Hatake Kakashi. "
"Kakashi" all a scream.
"Yes, I’m from Hatake Kakashi, whose character was destroyed and resurrected several times in Naruto," Kakashi said. "I used to be a member of the Abyss Army, but now I’m really the leader of the resistance forces."
Zhao Jie nodded. "No wonder you can simulate that Jeremy and I are like this."
Kakashi smiled. "So can you tell me about the days when you were thrown into hell and escaped?"? I am also very curious. "
"Don’t worry, before …" zhaojie slowly pulled out a sword behind him and cut it into the middle. Suddenly, a golden light picked up and enveloped everyone.
The light flashed and everyone saw the surrounding scenery clearly. It turned out to be a huge area with several kilometers. There was light and flat ground, and there was nothing here.
"Is this the ability to split the blade?" The war ghost scratched his head. "What didn’t feel dizzy just now?"
Hatake Kakashi nodded. "So that’s it. I’m still wondering how you ran out of hell. It turns out that you actually got a complete crack."
Zhaojie laughed. "That’s right … actually, I didn’t have a good time in Hell Day until my fake body died. But it seems that your ability is not suitable for everyone. My wife, Jeremy, just woke up after I called her a few times."
Kakashi said, "Aren’t you white? What I’m worried about is just your wisdom. Her fake body is just that I put it in your team to monitor everyone. It doesn’t take so much effort to transplant her thoughts into the fake body. "
"I guess so … I have to thank you. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have become so powerful."
"That’s what I’m curious about. Why have you become so powerful and sometimes I can feel you?"
"You didn’t throw me into a crater. If I hadn’t burned my bridges, I’m afraid I would be dead by now."
The two men chatted like old friends who have known each other for a long time, and there was no hurry to start work. Kakashi said, "Then tell me about your experience."
"In fact, I was determined to be strong in hell, but I accidentally succeeded. After that, I met an old lady who helped me mend the crack and I came out."
Kakashi one leng face some ugly way "you say it’s Mapo"

Xuanwu shield was really robbed by us. We owned Xuanwu. We destroyed the Shinto plan. We had the resources to argue with Shinto.

Anyway, I’m very happy. If I can’t, I don’t take it seriously.
Hongli also put away his fierce beast and wiped his forehead sweat and said, "Shinto will never let it go, and they have succeeded in half this plan. They also have white tiger armor. I’m afraid it is possible to collect white tigers or Kirin saints will go back and learn that they will directly start work if they don’t succeed."
That’s right. You have to plan ahead
For those of us, it doesn’t really make sense for Sister Miaomiao to teach us magic, but it is really that we are tied together.
Cann’t be disassembled
I said, "Then let’s go and find our people first and then talk about the aftermath."
"Yes, let’s go first."
Debauchery, wealth, meow, elder sister, Weiyuan and Chen Feng can all fly.
Hongli and I rode on the flying zombie dog and ran to Tiancheng, but the surface was still counting glaciers, but it should be refreshed soon.
The awakened ones are still looking up, but they don’t know what they think, but most of them are excited to see this scene, and there is also the survival.
But for us, it is a ship, and the ship will sink if it doesn’t reach the other side.
Meow meow elder sister also asked, "This brother, see if you don’t read or speak, you actually have fierce beasts or gluttony. I have seen magic weapons with fierce beasts seals, but they are all secret masters."
Wine, color and wealth are also very curious and say, "Yeah, why didn’t you take it out earlier?"
Hongli scratched his head and said, "What’s ahead is actually and strength, and most of me don’t know the situation until I really play the cards."
"That’s right. Kill one of them. Not well done."
There is nothing to doubt, because if something goes wrong in the process, everyone will die. At this time, everyone can trust it
But the wine sword fairy turned cold and asked, "Xiao Fan, you caught colchicine."
Just now, Kun Shao called Qiushui Iraqis in our hands, that is, at that time, there was still time to catch them.
I nodded and said, "Well, they were saved by the Shinto people. I happened to see a jade-faced fox. I was afraid of getting into trouble later, so I killed Yu Qiushui. Iraqis wanted to kill it, but I still thought it would be better to leave it to your brother."
It’s all gone.
Angry and said, "In fact, this is not bad."
"For colchicine, it is possible to be cheated. Tell me that maybe we can come to their senses and then we will have another master."
Second brother Se is still thinking about a chance.
Meow meow elder sister vomit a way, "you should kill directly with your hands, or it will be a trouble sooner or later, and the jade fox should not be killed and I will handle it."
Look at me.
I laughed and said, "I can’t help it. It was a mess at that time. I’ll see you later and deal with it. I won’t comment."
What should the Iraqis do if they look at Jiu Jianxian?
I flew to the surface. At this time, there was Suzaku, and the scene was much better. Many people shouted there, "Stop, stop, don’t kill, don’t kill the Shintoists. They can’t leave you now, but they will die."
Zhao Yan controls Suzaku to fly back and forth.
Shinto people realized that the defeat had become Nai, but they also knew that they could surrender at this moment.
Tiancheng was very kind and let them go. I didn’t want to kill the awakened ones too much, so I let go of my weapon and chose to surrender.
But there are also some who are directly killed by floating knights.
The situation base has been set to clip the peripheral blood.
By the time we got to Lin Weiwei and Zhu Yeqing, they had realized that they had won, and they all laughed "Great! Great!"
Cann’t hide the excitement
Lin Weiwei also saved my life and kissed me, "I’m worried sick with you every time," but she giggled and couldn’t hide her joy.
Naturally, we said, "Xuanwu shield is still ours." I waved it and didn’t let them touch it. "Xuanwu is now our call for the beast."
I was excited again and again and asked again, "Boss, tell us what’s going on in the end. Why are you so awesome?"
I’ll come one by one
And debauchery and wealth there is to look at the coma colchicine iraqis look at each other in the color ghost wealth stuffy dead decisive let.
Gave it to Jiu Jianxian.
Jiu Jianxian went to a separate room with Qiushui Yiren in her arms to wake up Qiushui Yiren. They talked and didn’t know what to say.
We slowly closed our mouths and waited for the answer.

I shook my head and said, "No, I know, but you really surprised us."

I’m afraid he didn’t want to lie to us when he told the secret. He wanted to buy his own life and didn’t dare to lie to us when he saw that we were strong.
I said, "We are predestined friends. Don’t take 1,000 points. Tell me about your family’s interest in this."
"If you tell us this, you will be compensated for saving your life."
Everyone wants to know that Lin Weiwei followed suit.
He bit his lip and scratched his head and said, "No wonder my grandfather finally told me that I would not make friends with other awakened people before I became a golden warrior."
Don’t want to say
But it seems that we are afraid that we will kill people and seize treasures or force people to do cruel punishment, but it seems to be a secret to spit out, "I really didn’t leave the door open just now."
Doubi juvenile
I didn’t ask more questions, and the horse was going to the site of the Qing Dongling, so I asked, "Are you going to the second stage, then go to the Qing Dongling first and then talk about it?"
He nodded at once and said, "This is the arrangement. I have to arrive before twelve o’clock. I was going to destroy all this, but I almost died because I was too big."
This guy is a great generation, and those just now are good. He is a rare magician, and he is quite happy when we don’t ask him.
I looked at Zhu Yeqing and then at Lin Weiwei and Ning Xi and nodded.
I said, "Come on, if you don’t want to talk about it, don’t talk about it. We also want to go there with a partner. Don’t trust us. We don’t necessarily trust you. Take your time. Everything will be seen for a long time."
Pang Bo is bigger than the copilot.
There are four people in the back. Fortunately, Young Hee and Fire Falling are children, so they can sit without taking up space.
God, it’s already dark, and the moon has appeared. We will continue to move towards the Qing Dongling under the irradiation of the moon, but this time there are many wizards falling by fire.
As for him, it seems that he didn’t say much about the door, and he regretted that he bowed his head and said nothing, and he was a little entangled.
I don’t care if I want him to observe more, so we will know our team, because it is good to have one more magician in our team after all.
Moreover, I will definitely set up a guild after this deputy, and this time it is a regional game, but if it is scattered and picked to different deputies, it will be bad.
Naturally, there will be one more person and one more component
And Lin Weiwei is right. We can’t drift outside the awakened world forever, and it’s good to get in touch with other awakened people as much as possible.
You can make friends even if you are not a teammate. Anyway, I feel that this teenager is still good.
At this time, all the way to the Qing Dongling Mausoleum, it was almost dark and getting closer and closer. Ning Xi also said, "Actually, it’s not the beginning yet. There are still a few hours left. Why don’t we go around the mountain and go in through the gate? I feel that there are bound to be too many people. It’s better to look at the situation in the mountain first."
She also prepared those maps as soon as she took it out, saying, "We can drive from here. When it’s time, let’s jump directly, even if we enter one. That’s what I think."
"That’s a good idea."
I looked at it and said, "If you don’t need a thousand to wake up this time, you have to get hundreds. It’s better to say less and avoid it after all."
If I encounter problems, my skills have not recovered, and it is not easy to play.
Lin Weiwei and Zhu Yeqing said, "Give me the map and I’ll go."
Zhu Yeqing took the map and went to that hill according to the surface route.
Qing Dongling is surrounded by mountains, and the archway at the gate is an entrance. Almost all other places are mountains, which can be said to be a small column of mountains.
But it’s good to see everything clearly
Zhu Yeqing’s driving skills didn’t say that Toyota’s bullying was also very good. When we reached the edge, we didn’t go there and saw the fire. It seemed that the torch was lit in the center of the Qing Dongling.
There should be many awakened people gathered there waiting.
But it doesn’t have to be nearly four hours before we should go. Now there is definitely a gathering of British people, and the ghosts and monsters are here.
We have been to the mountainside until we can’t be there, and then the car directly came out and said, "Go and have a look at the situation" and climbed the mountain one by one.
The fire has been following the mountains on the left to the top of the mountain. Sure enough, the other mountains all appear dwarfs under the sky. is surrounded by hundreds of people and there are some zombies that we have never seen.
It should be a mount or a pet
I lit a huge torch, and the flame was more than ten meters high. It shone brightly on that generation and shouted, "The whole house was full of flowers, three thousand guests were drunk, and the sword was light and cold."
Sound like thunder
I saw two people fighting in the torch. One of them was holding a long sword. It seemed that Jiu Jianxian was chopping sharply. "How dare you cross the border to finish the vice-death?"
He fought with an Italian.
Yes, but now it’s not Italian, but a huge blood bat "filar silk!" Screaming and sonic attack
It should be animal body ability
It’s amazing. We’re fighting, and we’re looking for it. It’s the key moment, so we didn’t care about anything. We looked at it first
Chapter 6 debauchery and wealth
Jiu Jianxian suddenly escaped the sonic attack of the bat and beast in Gao Yifei and stopped there. That’s right. Get rid of gravity and stopped there. It’s very tough to say with smile. "Sonic attack is a bit interesting. Grandpa Jiu Jianxian can’t deal with you unless he comes up with something real."
Suddenly, when the gas field touched the hair, a scene appeared behind it. Yes, it was the blue sea, a delicate moon and many gems flashing.
Huaguang anomaly
"Natural vision, brilliance, heaven and earth, sea and moon"
"Fuck, I can’t believe it."
After the scenery behind, that is, out of phase, suddenly came up with bright light again, his door panel gathered like a sword in the past.
Even more people can’t look straight at it and "wow!" "wow!" Instantly, several golden swords directly stabbed the Italian bat.
"Wan Jian belongs to one"
The invisible speed of the root directly blew the Italian into slag, spitting blood and lying there dying.
Out of the force to win with one blow.
Wine sword fairy received a different phase and fell to the ground, holding her door like a sword. She laughed, "If you hit me like this, you will be dead." A cold smile was domineering and formed a great contrast with that sloppy man.
People also shouted "the first day of the day is the first"