Hehe, Xiaoxiao winks at them with one eyebrow. Yes, I’m going to kiss this strange array.

If he doesn’t take the lead in opposing it, it means that he will try if his eyes are cold, and I will try.
I’ll do it if I grind my teeth. I still have some research on these arrays. In case I have a better chance of survival than you.
Why do you want to do everything in this limelight? The wind said lazily, I don’t want you to argue with me.
Shuishuang also contended that I should go.
Ok, Xiaoxiao interrupted them. Looking at them, I don’t want to make you dangerous. Who am I to let you take risks?
She waved her hand when she saw them talking. Although I’m not from the Monastery, I want to find the right and wrong as soon as possible as you do.
I have to come here because of her.
Without saying anything more, she turned her head and strode forward, her feet not hesitating and her steps not messy, as if she had a plan for herself.
The girl’s water frost was so anxious for the front mark that she stopped them. The real girl said that it would be best if you didn’t go with her. Maybe you would touch the array before the meeting.
The crowd was silent.
Xiaoxiao’s hands are tense, his sleeves are clenched, and his body is wet with cold sweat. Oh, it takes courage to expose lies.
Every step of the way, she keeps cheering herself up. Don’t forget that you are a smart, beautiful and new-age woman in the 21st century. You have 5,000 years of history and wisdom. How can a small distraction escape your eyes?
In this way, Xiaoxiao walked smoothly for nearly 100 feet in my swelling and hypnosis, and she finally turned around and waved to them with a sigh of relief.
Nothing. Great, girl. Nothing.
Wow, the girl is amazing. She’s right. I worship her to death.
See xiaoxiao safely ill frost water excited embrace together.
Even the trace wind is so happy that it’s amazing, girl. It’s amazing.
Words slightly pull up one side of the mouth, and the role of a small head and a pout can’t see it. It’s very powerful.
Just then, the words suddenly turned big and rushed over, and several other people immediately changed their faces and cast their flying skills towards Xiaoxiao. Chapter 11.
The faint cold murderous look behind her made Xiaoxiao irresistible and made a cold war. She slowly turned around a little.
Depend on truth and falsehood
It was dark, and a group of people were wearing black cloaks, just like falling from the sky. They all brushed behind her, least of all, and nearly a thousand people suddenly reacted. Where did they dare to be beautiful, intelligent and proud? They turned around and ran back.
Her run was like touching this group of man-machine and jumping towards Xiaoxiao. Just then, Yan and others rushed to stop them, and they protected Xiaoxiao in the process and formed a protective circle to protect her.
At that time, the sword was heard all the time, and he bowed his head and gasped, and his big eyes stared around nervously. Fortunately, these people are all masters in Junge, and they can calm down even if they don’t know martial arts. If you pay some white powder from your small bag, it will be his most lethal in the end.
However, these black bats in cloaks are all in charge of attack, regardless of defense. When the dead are very aggressive, they will break up when they want a few people. When they pull a horse, a group of people will become a group fight.
Quick protection girl frost shout
Seeing Xiaoxiao in danger, but they can’t get close, so many people are desperate.
Mom, don’t be polite to them. The wind roared. Don’t let these grandchildren see our jokes at Junge.
You’re right. It’s rare to see a handsome man. A folding fan is danced by him tightly, not to mention that he never tells the enemy about his feelings. On the surface, she is a delicate woman but a killer family. Practicing is killing people, not to mention frost. She is always provocative and will play to the fullest.