Hwa laughs wildly, hahaha, it’s time for you to die.

I looked at the sky in surprise, and I saw a full moon gradually revealing, and the bright moonlight spread all over the earth like silver. It was impossible for me to exclaim.
Howling, Dapeng Iowa looked up and howled together, and their bodies also changed, looking at the moon and crying, I exclaimed.
Suddenly, the green light was so strong that Dapeng’s body was shrouded in seeing a faint shadow, while the peak black inflammation became weaker and weaker.
And Hwa is suddenly stronger than he is. He is covered with thick wolf hair and has turned into a wolf’s head. His attack is also dozens of times sharper. How can I resist it? Is this the strength of a werewolf after transformation?
Suddenly there was a loud noise, which caused a violent impact. The peak went back more than ten steps and wow, I vomited a big mouthful of blood.
Dapeng grimaced. You both have to die today.
Feng gritted his teeth and told me to go and then turned into a bat and broke away.
I also quickly flew.
Xiao Xian, don’t be busy flying. Look who this is. It’s Dapeng sound. At the same time, a woman screams.
I flapped my black wings and stopped in the middle. Looking back, I saw the gold necklace holding the little beauty’s neck, and Dapeng stretched out his bloody tongue and licked the little beauty’s neck. That idiot actually ran back.
Don’t make me shout.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, that’s ridiculous. Dapeng shakes his head, you two idiots. If she loves you, forget it. You even love her. A vampire loves human beings.
I love her. I’m surprised, but I don’t argue.
Nonsense. You didn’t suck her blood for the first time, which can barely explain that you didn’t need it at that time, but this time, you stopped her in this dangerous place and didn’t even love her.
Go away, leave me alone, cried the little beauty
I scolded 1 and dived towards Dapeng Power, but suddenly my black body fell rapidly at the moment. It was Xiao Tang who sneaked up the tall building behind me and jumped up and gave me a heavy blow on the back of the head.
Chapter 4 Honey, will you bite me?
When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was that snot, tears and a beautiful face, so I saw her lying on my body and her eyes were less than ten centimeters.
What are you doing? Don’t worry, I’m not dead, I said with strong support.
You scared me to death. She smiled through tears.
But if you press on me again, you will probably die. Why are you so heavy?
I hate my little girl leaving me with a red face.
I just have the strength to look around. It’s an iron wall. It’s usually easy to say, but now I’m bleeding a lot, my head wound is still bleeding, and I don’t even have any strength. Even though I haven’t kept my body, I still won’t go.
Can you save me? asked the little beauty with great expectation.
You have the heart to run away alone, little beauty. Look at me with tears in her eyes.
Khan: No, I don’t have the strength to escape.
Why are you so stupid and a vampire, pretty girl?
Sweat, if it weren’t for you, I would be trapped here. I vomited a big mouthful of blood because I have lost too much blood now. I don’t have the strength. Usually, how can I stop me? After that, I cough up another mouthful of blood. In fact, we vampires are physically injured and can recover quickly, but our blood has no function of rebuilding, which means that we lose too much blood and lose too much blood, which affects the body’s function of dynamic repair. The wound can’t heal and will continue to lose blood. This is a vicious circle. When the blood runs out, we vampires will die,
Ok, ok, I’m not angry with you, or I’m going to vomit blood again, said the little beauty apologetically
I was so confused that I didn’t care about her, and she finally became more sensible when I didn’t talk. Shut up.
For a long time, I sighed and broke the silence. Why did you come back when you had escaped?
I don’t trust you, little beauty. You look very wronged.
At this time, a wall slowly rose to reveal a glass wall hidden behind it, so I saw Dapeng.
Dapeng still grimaced and squinted at me with a pair of small eyes and gave me a thumbs up and then pointed.
I saw the peak in the direction he pointed.
Feng was trampled on by him and was in bat form. His black wings were gripped tightly by a gold necklace.
Hwa laughed wildly, and this little guy came to save you without replenishing his blood. He got caught in our plane. Hahahaha, you vampires are really extinct. Actually, love doesn’t count as friendship, so you have to pay for love and friendship today.
Feng groaned painfully at Dapeng’s feet.
Let him go. I shouted angrily
Let him go. Hoa laughs. You all die here today. If I kill you, there will be no vampires in Chongqing. That’s our werewolf. Oh, my God. After pushing the gold necklace, I grabbed the black wings of the peak, and when I tore the scream of the peak, he was pulled alive with a black wing.
No, I tried my best to jump on the glass wall, but I couldn’t get through it. I couldn’t break the glass wall, and there was blood on my forehead. I kept hitting the glass wall like crazy and left a blood mark on the glass.
Ha, ha, ha. Look at what you’ve become. So what if you’re still noble? We werewolves are one level lower than you, but so what? Now we’re not standing on your feet. After you go to hell, it’s us werewolves. God, Dapeng laughs wildly