"Of course, even I think you should go through more training." Ghost’s eyes are shining with enthusiasm. "But after the end, you will get a reward that will far exceed your efforts … five times. No, I believe that after three times, you will be able to enter the tenth order, and then you will be able to enter Varo. However, there is our family camp. My family will definitely help you more. All this depends on you."

Zhao Jie nodded, "I am white." Ghost smiled. "So is there anything else you want to ask?" Zhaojie has a glass of wine. "One last question, is it true that the resisters beat those publishers?" Ghost one leng immediately nodded, "Terhi said yes, if you leave the celestial world, our strength is not as good …

After saying that, she left without looking back. In fact, she turned her head and sneaked back to see Liu Zheng thinking at the bridge for at least an hour. Then she excitedly left: efefd saw that his eyes were shining. Liu Xixi finally showed a comfortable smile at night. Hey, hey, hey, hey, big fish hook. I don’t know if she had finished all her good luck today. How long has it been before she was waited for by the little eunuch in the Phoenix Night Palace? He was not lying in bed, but dressed in a dragon robe. Emperor Zhen Yun "My daughter has seen the emperor, long live the emperor!" Long live long live! "Liu Xiyu felt that Alexander’s ugly daughter-in-law was under great pressure to meet her in-laws. If it is modern, how can she buy a fruit basket and two bottles of bars herself? Now, will a few people come here naked and Emperor Zhenyun like her more? She will still think that she was shabby, but she found that Liu Xiyu thought it was even worse than she thought." How dare you seduce my favorite daughter last night? "Emperor Zhenyun shouted sharply that Liu Xiyu was dead. I will give Bai Ling a gift, but I heard a nice voice saying, "Cough, father, I really don’t blame the late son for being a bad minister. I have long been pleased with her that night, and I can’t help but force her to have it later."Liu Xixi was so frightened that she thought that if she rode on a man’s body, she would get pregnant, so it was also that she wanted him. Didn’t she see that she was in the phoenix night? She quickly recovered her brain hole. Liu Xixi shut up when she was kneeling. When a kitten was in front of this male chauvinist emperor, a woman must be a man to talk. Although she didn’t have the right to interrupt Liu Xixi’s idea, she didn’t want to die, but she still recognized her cowardice. Sure enough, Emperor Phoenix night said a few good words, and Emperor Zhenyun made her feel her legs. I’m numb. The Emperor Phoenix Night added, "I’m going to drink medicine later. You go and get me medicine first." "Yes." Liu Xixi was disgusted by her gentle and clever voice at night, and when she went out, she vomited and stuck out her tongue. Then she ordered Xiao Shun outside to "bring the medicine to the temple." Xiao Shun nodded and was not angry at all. The empress never looked down on them. These eunuchs were much better than some women who kissed the queen mother. Liu Xixi waited until Xiao Shun got medicine, and her legs were sore and numb. Phoenix Night saw that her feet were numb and deliberately let her come out to get the medicine, which made her wait for a while. Liu Sunseeker was not sure about it, but he was too careful. Although Liu Sunseeker thought it was impossible, he couldn’t help but feel that his eyes were tender when he went in to serve. He couldn’t help but bring it out. "The temple medicine is ready" and "thank you". Emperor Phoenix Night showed a charming smile. Liu Sunseeker couldn’t help giggling at night. In fact, Emperor Phoenix Night should laugh more. He smiled more and had a very cute little mouth.

W w w collect and organize, return or leave the club. Chapter 262 A lot of money Emperor Zhenyun silently looked at the interaction between the two people and finally sighed. "Let’s just say that you want to leave Liu Xixi in the palace late. I can be sure that you will find a way …

Kelly shook his head and replied, "The emperor is someone! I thought for a long time that this candidate has the most suitable temple. "

Kelly’s words really scared everyone in the place, and a pair of eyes showed incredible expression. They never thought that Kelly was playing too Li Chenggan. Comrade Li Er’s eyes shrank by half as soon as he opened his eyes and looked at Kelly and asked, "Do you think you have too much talent to …

Hwa laughs wildly, hahaha, it’s time for you to die.

I looked at the sky in surprise, and I saw a full moon gradually revealing, and the bright moonlight spread all over the earth like silver. It was impossible for me to exclaim. Howling, Dapeng Iowa looked up and howled together, and their bodies also changed, looking at the moon and crying, I exclaimed. Suddenly, …

Hehe, Xiaoxiao winks at them with one eyebrow. Yes, I’m going to kiss this strange array.

If he doesn’t take the lead in opposing it, it means that he will try if his eyes are cold, and I will try. I’ll do it if I grind my teeth. I still have some research on these arrays. In case I have a better chance of survival than you. Why do you want …

For the sake of nothing, you can also directly refine your mind and save him a lot of strength.

Luo Xiu walked hand in hand, and when he saw Leitian’s gourd walking away, he was surprised at what fairy instrument it was. Leitian this monster gourd is really the only thing that has no origin. It is the spirit root of heaven and earth. It evolved in Leitian’s hands and opened a thunder pool …

Rock, cut cloth, talk about cloth, wrap the stone, or does she lose

There is no suspense at all. Gu Mengmeng don’t raise your face again. Conway squinted her face. Hey, girl, don’t wow. sneer Another round of stone cloth cutting. I’m sorry. Wow, Gu Mengmeng drooped this time. Her proud head was depressed and she said I lost. Instead, raise your face and eyes. Zhan Ran looked …

A terrible arrow feather suddenly shot in Hao Zhao’s chest and shot through Hao Zhao directly.

Hao Zhao looked back at Li Mu in an instant when he looked back. Poof, the gun pierced his abdomen, but it directly put the soul of abdomen into it. Hao Zhao’s body died in nine colors. I’m afraid that red light is to give things here to the state. Hum, it’s best not to …